Don’t study hard, study smart!
Lion Tutors has a proud tradition of helping Penn State students get the grades they want.
You're in good hands.
Highly Qualified Tutors
Our tutors go through extensive training on the specific course content as well as the best teaching methods.
Helpful Materials
Our materials are updated and customized to your specific course and professor.
Saves You Time
Our team has spent years organizing class content, formulas, and practice questions into a convenient format that will make your studying more efficient.
Find Your Class
We've got you covered with review sessions for over 25 popular Penn State classes.
How it Works
With multiple review session formats, on-demand access, and ongoing tutor support, we've got you covered.
Ace Your Exams
Our comprehensive review sessions are designed to give you the knowledge and confidence to get the grades you want.
Study How You Want
We offer multiple review session formats and purchase options so that you can choose the set up that works best for you.
Learn Anywhere
All of our review sessions include on-demand video lessons that allow you to study with us on your own time.